We create 1ntiutive, Beautiful & Neostic applications.
Our products speak for us. We aren't kidding!
Sai Krishna is the Founder & CEO of 1BN.
Founder's website: www.saikrishna.me
Building the future
We create 1ntiutive, Beautiful & Neostic applications.
Our products speak for us. We aren't kidding!
Sai Krishna is the Founder & CEO of 1BN.
Founder's website: www.saikrishna.me
Superblog is the best alternative for WordPress and Medium blogs. Auto-optimized for SEO and speed with zero setup and maintenance.
Used by some of the biggest brands in the world like Swiggy, Unacademy, Aisle, and Drivelah.
website: www.superblog.ai
mHotspot is a completely free software which converts your laptop into a virtual wifi router and creates a secure wifi hotspot. It received numerous awards and has been downloaded over 7,000,000 times since then!
website: www.mhotspot.com
Many of us use Youtube to listen to music. But Youtube wasn’t designed with music in mind. So, ‘Rey’ was built with simple and intuitive UI which takes youtube as data source! It was made open-source later.
website: www.reymusic.co
You can see all other products built by our CEO here: https://saikrishna.me/portfolio
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